The main aims and objectives of the organization are broadly grouped into longterm
and shortterm
objectives. The longterm
objectives represent the envisaged situation, when all the shortterm
objectives have been achieved.
Long Term Objectives
To enable the poor to change their life situation through empowering them to
address the root causes of poverty.
To enable women gain socio-economic and political equality through improving the sociocultural and economic status of women.
To improve the socio-economic position of the rural poor women with focus on the economically backward people through sustainable development processes and integrating them with the mainstream development policies, programmes and institutions.
To restore ecological balance with the active involvement of the poor, particularly women, without burdening them further.
To create awareness among the people about their rights and responsibilities through education and cultural activities.
To empower the poor so as to enable them to influence the policy-making processes in their favour.
Develop literacy and numeracy.
Short Term Objectives
To develop sustainable and self managed autonomous organizational system as well as income generation programs by forming the rural poor women into self-help and management groups.
To identify and develop through training and awareness, potentials in the villages in the form of volunteers to enable the expansion and reach of the organization.
To identify and develop through appropriate training (leadership and management skills) leaders among the women to carry on the work independently.
To develop strong gender perspective and environmental awareness.
To provide knowledge on basic rights and responsibilities.
To initiate different development activities centered on the functional and self managed credit groups to strengthen the process of empowerment.
To enable the target group tap and mobilizes local resources including government programs for their own benefit.
Formation of Associations/ Committees/ Societies to develop and manage Natural Resources.
To network with other NGOs in the project area and at wider levels for lobbying and influencing the policy processes in favour of the poor.
The conceptualization and planning with all concerned stake holders.
Implementation of development programmes with people consensus.
Institution Building and networking.
Capacity Building at all levels on various need based topics.
Cooperation and participation towards a long-term objective of rendering the communities, a self reliant status.